Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Efficiency of Work.... =.=

This issue came to pop up in my mind and I start wondering if efficiency is important for people in the working world or even big giant companies for how efficient is their company in handling processes or business with their clients. It was my personal encounter that it actually makes me feel so irritated when such companies takes such a long time just to process a simple cash transduction. Well, as u know from my previous blog that I'll be going to Penang on the 13th. I was so excited about it that I made the reservation of a 2 room apartment unit in a well-known apartment in Penang two weeks before hand. I had even bank in the money into that respective company's bank account on the same day and the problems occurs when it took them years to check the transduction to confirm my booking. Well. you see, I know faxing over the bank in slip to them might just make things faster ad easier. However, the problem is that the bank in slip was in the hand of another friend of mine in Penang that handles the whole process for me and he does not own a fax machine. Therefore, I've no choice but to wait for them to check their accounts before confirming my reservation which according to them may take two or three days. I sat down to think about it and try to persuade myself to accept it for i understand that they too need time to confirm it for such process involves MONEY. Well, since it will be only two days so i waited patiently but guess what. It's now 5th of December and yet no news from them. Well, that makes me feel a bit irritated and I even doubt the efficiency of the company. It's now more than a week just for them to check the account of theirs to confirm my booking while they have all the information they wanted from me regarding the time and place where my friend bank in the money and this issue arouse in my head and this just give me the feeling that this company efficeincy is really below par. Well, to me, promises are made to be kept and not to be broken. So, wats the 2 and 3 days promises by them while it's now almost a week. Efficiency? Isn't that one of the most important criteria for a company to establish themselves? To me, efficiency and keeping promises is the most important, or, in fact, the most basic principles that a businessman should hold on to. For with this criteria, a strong trustworthiness can be built between the businessman and the client and definitely such strong bonds will hold their name out in the field. True? I wonder....

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